Friday, December 17, 2010


Augmented Reality (AR) simply means adding virtual object to a real object or a real environment, i.e. direct or indirect viewing of LIVE real-world environment whose some of the components that makeup the environment are augmented by virtual generating system.
After a lot of researches, I have been able to discovered that adjusting the constituents of a real environment can be complicated, difficult, highly costly and most of the time can be frustrating but manipulating virtual world is rather simple, easy and cheap, this fact and findings head to my interest in Augmented Reality(AR).
With these researches, I have been able to come up with a definition called FAKUADE SEGUN’S, this definition define AR as complimenting present real environment with manipulated, adjusted and redefined virtual components according to the desire or want of the people involved.
The future of Augmented Reality (AR) will cause a lot of main shift in every area of live in which this researches will proffer helps.

Tone Augmentation
Hitherto, the music industry has produced icons in different genres of the music world, however, in comparison (within the context of this research finding), I have found out that their death had been the end of their music careers.
My research in AR have made me discover that tones of late musicians in his or her previous albums can be collected and store at different levels of pitches (this may be accomplish through the principle of stable multi-vibrator frequency). These tones at these levels of pitches will be saved in an array and another song could be recorded by a live musician which will be breaken down to tones of different pitches; this could be saved in a new set of array.
This new array will then be substituted with the former according to the set up of the live singer song; this will moreover mean that a late singer voice and tones will be heard plainly as though he or she were the one singing.
 Video Augmentation
My research have also make me to discovered that a late musicians can also release video albums by collecting difference series of the steps or pictures in the past video.
This picture can be treated and resave according to the story-line of the new video, and it also possible to change the cloths this late artist put at his various pictures. Pictures at different steps taken by late artist in the past can be time together in a motion to make a video in accordance to the story line.
In shooting this video story line in a real world, the video composed will be augmented to the real world through a public or bigger see through glass in which the camera men will used in taking the clips of the video, or instead of using a bigger see through glass, the see through glass could be attach to the lens of the cameras in other for camera to captures both the virtual artist and real environment.

Relationship between Real and Virtual Environment

Fakuade Segun’s Reality and Virtuality Diagram
Various applications of AR and most especially my proposed future applications of AR made me to come up with the above diagram, it illustrate the relationship between Real environment and Virtual Environments.

Application of Augmented Reality (AR) in future Computer designs
Augmented Reality will bring about lots of advancements in computer manufacturing and programming, if AR can be incorporated as the main means of operations (i.e through a medium of wearable lens e.g a See-Through Glass).

Mode of Operation
When the user put on the See Through Glass, he visualize the computing environment and he will be able to input data into the computer through pointing on the augmented computing environment by mere moving of his fingers on space. This may be accomplished in a secure manner by the user registrating his tens fingers prints on the computer.
The mode of operation of this computer it very secure because its only the user that can see the computing environment, and if the user want to display the computing environment to the publics he will make use of any strong available multimedia rays  that may be connected to  a large displaying devices .
The See Through Glass generate some amount of intelligence rays which make it possible for the computer to recognize the particular icon on the augmented computing environment which the user pointed on.
Data can be shared, transferred, copied or be printed through multimedia ray, the See Through Computer will eradicate issues of moving about with storage devices.
The See Through computer body are design such a way that it can absorb any amount of illumination in charging the computer as an alternative means to A.C source. The computer can be build with fibers that can be sensitive enough to recognize any gesture that can be communication around the regions of the human face (i.e the See Through computer will be able to recognize a angering gesture which may be either be communicated by strange looking, position of the black or green part of the eye bulb and the screeching of some sensitive part of the face), when the system recognize such kinds of gesture(anger), the computer will not be popping up antivirus updating message boxes and at this time the system can by-pass a lots of processing protocols in other for it user not get fedup or frustrated.
The computer will be program in such way that immediately it discover an unfavourable gesture from user, it automatically play the best song of the user, the computer automatically play some particular set of scenes of movies the user love most (the above properties may be accomplished simply be noting the highest played songs or scene in a movie love watching or the above properties may also be part of the user personnel settings of the computer, in which the user will upload his best song, best movie (timed at the favourize scene), best sets of pictures, best sets of nuggets (which will pop-out in the form of a message-box), and the user most favourable events, date or unforgettable moments.
Different types of gestures from user can easily be confirmed by the computer by relating the gesture recognized by the computer with the current state of operation of the computer or relating the date of the year with information that made up the personnel profile and data of user.      

This computer have to be light and simple on face that every body can easily relate with it as a good glass, the See Through Computer will be most efficient, reliable and effective computer and one of the most general purpose of this system is that the user can use it to give an address, a speech or lectures in a conference easily because the user is more convenient putting on a glass and moving up and down to give his speech in a good audience relating manner (this is easily accomplish by the user because the user is able to see both the real environment and the computing environment simultaneously).
Many people had talked about the coming closer of computer, it all started from a giant positional machine called MAIN FRAME to a DESK TOP machines, from DESK TOP to LAPTOP, from LAPTOP to PALMTOP, and where next is the computer moving to?, for the FUTURE of AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) have make me to know that the next place the computer is moving to is the FACE and according to the genealogical naming of the of different generations of computers then I present to the WORLD the next phase of computer system “ FACETOP”.


The facetop system can be highly important in enhancing proper officiation of football matches.
Eversince we have discover that this game have lack proper and effective officiations which are caused by the limitation of the officials on the field of play.
They find it difficuit to see all parts of the field at a time but with the used of facetop the officials will be able to see all the parts of the field at a time.
The facetop will be working with two set of cameras focusing on the two parts of the field, so that the full view of the field can be seen clearly by the officials through their facetop. Some numbers of vertical lines can be augmented or added to the video field (the views the official are seeing) in order to partitions the field horizontally into different various parts,this therefore will help the official to clearly notice a player that is plays at the off-side, when ball has cross the touch line,when ball has cross the goal post line and any foul inccidences on the field of play

 Mobile Devices Manufacturing

Through the principles of Augmented Reality, virtual mobile devices can be created or manufacture.Having a smart and fastionable see-through glass that have a small device on it that can cause a vibrations on the space or air when someone call the user(this may be achieve through short rays causing a scattering packet of red light).
When the space or the air vibrate then the virtual mobile phone or device is form on the space which the user is able to see through  the See Through Glass.
The user can be able to move or push the device to the point of his choice on space by appling any of his recognise finger (finger print) on the virtual phone.


Segio - Medical Technology is a technology which I strongly believe that will solve a lot of medical problem.
The Segion augment the patient in a desirer magnify size which make it possible for the segion to examine the patient and even examine what is going on inside the body of the patient.
From segiocell – Y, the segion can send some measures of signals to visualize the micro – organelles or even the cell making up a particular organ inside the patient. A patient suffering from a paticular virus infection, the segiocell can be used to search and locate the virus and ofter locating the virus, the segion can now send the right signal in the right amounts to destroy such virus.
The facetop on the face of the segion enable him to visualize blood cells organs, tissues, cells and body of the patient,(this is possible by the facetop to send some signals with good medical penetrating power to visualize all this components).
After examination, the proper segio – medical approach can now be taken to eradicate the problem.
The segion can select difference diagnosis signal he needs per time because the segiocal- Facetop is manufacture in such a way that its can initiate difference kind of signal which destroy different kind of virus,diseases and fungi.
Segiocal facetop can also initiate a signals which can be use for rearrangement of this order cells.This part of the usefulness of segiomedical will help correcting mal-structures DNAs.
I believe if the segiomedical can be look into critically, it will be the solution that will eradical HIV virus.

This is the next development in Mobile Technology in which Augmented Reality technology is incoporated to mobile device.
The mobile phone device have ability to augment the image of its caller(this may be accompanished by incorporating a virtual genetrating device in the phone in which when the user receive a phone call and he can as well augment the person on his front and they will discuss as if they are in front of each other).
One of the great advantage of this device is that the virtual augmented person can take any postures he likes. Its possible for a event of a phone call to be augment in two difference places i.e caller A augment the virtual presence of caller B and caller B augment the virtual presence of caller A.

This make it possible for a speaker to be in difference interview program at once.
This mobile device will also solve alots of challenge in conference/board meeting in which conference calls can be activated and the virtual presence of each or every participants of the meeting can be augmented to the event.


This area of application will majorly focus on Crime Investigations. If every public cameras can be program to detect the state of mind of human being either violence or peacefull state (basically false or true), because I strongly believed that a particular measure of voltage or signals will be transfer from one nerves to another at difference state of mind i.e a difference measured of signals will be exchange among various nerves when a mind is logicing or planning a violence and vice versa. A program may be written based on this principle in detecting difference state of minds.
The current picture of killed person (before the murder) will be use to compare the pictures in the memories of every false minded that day(the occipital lobe in the brain interprete visual signals). Initially, when the program note a false minded person (violence mind) and at instance locate every visual interpretations or pictures stored in the occipital lobe .
Those people that have the picture (earlier picture of the person killed)in their memory will then be call for  Augmented Reality Registrations, in which their eyes will be read in other to get the Visual data in their occipital lope and data from the primary sensorimotor cortex (the part of the brain that control unconscious gestures) to interprete any inner and public gestures, so the data is used to determine the kind of gestures that each person will express when they see the murdered person.
Then the virtual being of every one that went through the Augmented Reality Registration will be augmented and program according to the data collected during registrations and the virtual being of the killed person too will augmented simultaneously on a Real settings that look exactly like the scene of the murder. A critical observation can now be taken in detecting those augmentations that have violence or murder-like kind of gesture when they set before the virtual being of the murdered person.
This area of application of AR can help in the security of Nations in the terms of Emigration and Immigration to detect the false minded people which might have a pre- violence attack in mind. False (violence) minded ones may be refer to psychologist for further verifications whether his/her state of mind is just or not. I strongly believe that this application will control the threat of terrorism.


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